Saturday, September 29, 2012


1. If KEDGY is coded as EKDYG then how will LIGHT be coded?(A) ILHTG(B) ILGHT(C) ILGTH(D) THGIL(E) None of these
2. If RAVE is coded as SXWB then how will SCAW be coded?(A) TDBO(B) TZBK(C) PZXK(D) TVXK(E) None of these
3. If SPANK is coded as PSNAK then how will THROW be coded?(A) HTORW(B) HTWOR(C) HTWRO(D) HTRWO(E) None of these
4. If UDOMETER is coded as DUMOTERE then how will SUBLEASE be coded?(A) USLBESAE(B) USLBAEES(C) USBAELES(D) USLBEAES(E) None of these
5. If PURSER is coded as UPSRRE then how will PERIODIC be coded? (A) EPRIDOIC(B) PEIRDOCI(C) EPIRDOCI(D) EPIRODCI(E) None of these
6. If STRAY is coded as TUSBZ then how will MOURN be coded?(A) LPVSO(B) NPVSO(C) NVPSO(D) NPSVO(E) None of these
7. If MAGIC is coded as PXJFF then how will LEASH be coded?(A) PBDVD(B) OBDVL(C) OHEOK(D) OBDPK(E) None of these
8. If DOWN is coded as FQYP then how will WITH be coded?(A) KYN(B) JYK(C) YKVJ(D) JKVY(E) None of these
9. If BINARY is coded as DHPZTK then how will KIDNAP be coded?(A) MKFPCQ(B) MHFPZQ(C) IKFMYO(D) MHFMCO(E) None of these
10. If RASCAL is coded as QZRBZK then how will SOLDER be coded? (A) RNMEDQ(B) RPKEDS(C) TPMEFS(D) RNKCDQ(E) None of these
11. If SAVOURY is coded as OVUARSY then how will RADIATE be coded? (A) AIDARET(B) IDARA TE(C) ARIADTE(D) IDAATRE(E) None of these
12. If MAPLE is coded as VOKZN then how will CAMEL be coded?(A) OVNZF(B) OUNZX(C) OVNZX(D) XZNVO(E) None of these
13. If CRY is coded as MRYC then how will GET be coded?(A) MTEG(B) MGET(C) MEGT(D) METG(E) None of these
14. If BURNER is coded as CASOIS then how will ALIMENT be coded? (A) BKJLFMU(B) EKOLIMS(C) EMONIOU(D) BRJSFTU(E) EROSITU
15. If Sand is coded as Brick, Brick as House, House as Temple, Temple as Palace then where do you worship?(A) Palace(B) Temple(C) Brick(D) House(E) None of these
16. If Rajdoot is coded as Car, Car as Aeroplane, Aeroplane as Train, Train as Bus, then by which vehicle can you reach your destination in least time? .(A) Aeroplane(B) Train(C) Car(D) Bus(E) None of these
17. If Pen is coded as Pencil, Pencil as Chalk, Chalk as Slate, Slate as Paper, then by which do you mostly write?(A) Pen(B) Pencil(C) Chalk(D) Slate(E) None of these
18. If Leader is coded as Actor, Actor as an Administrator, Administrator as a Traitor, Traitor as a Social-reformer, then who takes part in the Parliamentary elections?(A) Administrator(B) Leader(C) Traitor(D) Social-Reformist(E) None of these
19. If '245' means—'Art and Talent' in a certain code language, '316' means— 'Callous to Generous', '147' means— 'Callous and Polite' then what is the code used for 'to' ?(A) Only 3(B) Only 1(C) 3 or 6(D) Only 6(E) None of these
20. In a certain code language '579' means—'Kanchan is soft-spoken', '694' means—‘Soft-spoken beautiful pure', '473' means—‘Ganga is pure', then what is the code used for 'Kanchan' ?(A) 7(B) 5(C) 9(D) Can’t be determined(E) None of these
21. In a certain code language '123' means—‘Mahendra is Able', '345' means—'Sunita is unlucky', '526' means—'Mahendra was unlucky', then what is the code used for unlucky?(A)2(B)3(C)1(D)Can’t be determined(E)None of these
22. In a certain code language '765' means—'Man Illness Hard-working', '478' means—'Illness Hard Blood-Pressure', '826' means—'Blood-pressure Lazy Hard-working', then:- (I) For which word code '8' has been used? (A) Illness(B) Man(C) Hard(D) Blood-Pressure(E) None of these
(II) Which code has been used for 'Hardworking' ?(A) 7(B) 6(C) 5(D) 6 or 5(E) 7 or 5
(III) Which code has been used for 'Lazy' ?(A) 2(B) 6 or 2(C) 6(D) 8(E) 6 or 5

23. If '678' means—'Society Family Husbandry', '574' means—'Husbandry Health Control', '342' means—'Health Census shop', then—
(I) Which code has been used for 'Health' ?(A) 7(B) 5(C) 4(D) 2(E) None of these
(II) Which code has been used for 'Census' ?(A) 3 or 2(B) 3 or 7(C) 4(D) 5(E) 6
(III) For which word code '6' has been used?(A) Society(B) Family(C) Husbandry(D) Society or Family(E) None of these'

24. If 'KRN' means—'Callous collission life', 'RTP' means—'Life very sad', 'NPD' means—'Collission sad future' then what is the code used for 'Callous' ?(A) R(B) N(C) K(D) Can’t be determined(E) None of these

25. If 'MLT' means—'Day is clear', 'LKS' means—'Life is sad', 'SMMO' means—'Clear or sad', then what is the code used for 'Day' ?(A) T(B) K(C) MO(D) L(E) None of these

26. In a certain code ‘SUBMITTED’ is written as ‘NYFHHWVGG’. How is ‘SOMETHING’ written in that code?

 27. In a certain code ‘PRINTED’ is written as “JSQNEFU”. How is ‘MEANING’ written in that code?
 28. In a certain code ‘DESTINED’  is written as ”UTFECDMH”. How is ‘ORGANISE’ written in that code?
 29. In a certain code ‘RECRUITED’  is written as “QBDQSEFUJ”. How is ‘OBSERVANT’ written in that code?
 30. In a certain code  is  ‘JOINED’ written as “JPKCDM” . How is ‘BRIGHT’ written in that code?
 31. In a certain code  is ‘BOARDER’  written as “BPCQSFE” . How is ‘TRADING’ written in that code?
 32. In a certain code  is ‘THEIR’  written as “QHDGS”. How is ‘GROUP’ written in that code?
33. In a certain code ‘KITES’ is written as ‘JLSTF’. How is ‘EMPTY’ written in that code?
 34. In a certain code ‘DISK’ is written as“SIKD” . How is ‘GIVE’ written in that code?
35. In a certain code ‘CABLES’ is written as “CBDRDK” . How is ‘ABSENT’ written in that code?
36. In a certain code ‘SOMDAY’ is written as “NPTDZBE”  . How is ‘CORDIAL’ written in that code?

37. In a certain code ‘PROBES’ is written as “RDANQO” . How is  ‘PULSE’ written in that code?
38. In a certain code  ‘PULSE’ is written as “DRKTO” . How is ‘NEW’ written in that code?
39. In a certain code ‘CRANE’ is written as “FOBSD” . How is ‘NAMES’ written in that code?
40. In a certain code ‘SUBMIT’ is written as “NJUCVT” . How is ‘DETAIL’ written in that code?
41. In a certain code ‘VALUE’   is written as “VFKWB”. How is ‘ALIVE’ written in that code?
42. In a certain code ‘CARTOUCHE’ is written as “UTBEPFJDW”. How is DUPLICATE’ written in that code?
43. In a certain code ‘ADVISORY’ is written as “JWEBZSPT”. How is ‘RELATION’ written in that code?
44. In a certain code ‘TROUBLES’ is written as “TNQSTFMC”. How is ‘SPORADIC’ written in that code?
45. In a certain code ‘INDIA’ is written as “MHDZH”. How is ‘CHINA’ written in that code?
46. In a certain code ‘BONDING’ is written as “MNAEHOJ” . How is ‘JOURNEY’ written in that code?
47. In a certain code ‘ENDEARING’ is written as “VWMVZQHMF”. How is ‘PERENNIAL’ written in that code?
48. In a certain code ‘PRAKASHAN’ is written as “NAHSAKARP”. How is ‘REASONING’ written in that code?
49. In a certain code ‘SERVING’ is written as “SFTUFMH” . How is ‘GLAMOUR’ written in that code?
50. In a certain code ‘CONSUMING’ is written as “OCSNMUNIG”. How is ‘ABUNDANCE' written in that code?

1. (C) 2: (B) 3: (A) 4: (B) 5: (C) 6: (B) 7: (D) 8: (C) 9: (D) 10: (D) 11: (D) 12: (C) 13: (D) 14: (C) 15: (A) 16: (B) 17: (B) 18: (E) 19: (C) 20: (B) 21: (E) 22(l): (D) 22(ll): (B) 22(lll): (A) 23(l): (C) 23(ll): (A) 23(lll): (D) 24: (C) 25: (A)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Punjab National Bank invites online applications for following Clerical post from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination (CWE) for recruitment in Clerical cadre conducted by IBPS in Nov-Dec 2011:

Important Dates:-

(1) Payment of Application Fees :- 26.09.2012-10.10.2012
(2) Opening Date for Online Registration:-  26.09.2012
(3) Closing Date for Online Registration (Including for Candidates from Far-Flung Areas):- 10.10.2012
(4) Downloading of Interview Call letters To be advised later on Bank’s website


STATE / UT                                SC         ST        OBC         GEN                TOTAL
Andaman & Nicobar Island            0            0             0               1                         1
Andhra Pradesh                            11            4           19             35                       69
Assam                                            0            0             0             10                       10
Bihar                                             43           7           36            165                     251
Chandigarh                                     6            0             6              13                       25
Chhattisgarh                                    7          23             0              30                       60
Dadar & Nagar Haveli                    0            0             0                1                         1
Delhi                                             16            8           30              54                      108
Goa                                                0            0              0               4                          4
Gujarat                                           0            6              6             16                        28
Haryana                                        56           0             40             96                       192
Himachal Pradesh                         25           1               0              50                         76
Jammu & Kashmir                         7            5               5              30                         47
Jharkhand                                    20            0             11              43                         74
Karnataka                                     5            2             10              17                          34
Kerala                                           6            0               7              12                          25
Madhya Pradesh                         28           35             26              82                        171
Maharashtra                                 5             1              36              43                          85
Meghalaya                                   0             2                0                7                            9
Mizoram                                      0             0                0                2                            2
Orissa                                        15           17              12              40                          84
Punjab                                      125            0              34            167                         326
Rajasthan                                    43          38              41            112                         234
Tamil Nadu                                 14            0              23              32                           69
Tripura                                          0            0                0               4                             4
Uttar Pradesh                             212           9            140            410                         771
Uttarakhand                                 30           4              12               94                         140
West Bengal                                 21          4               19               41                            85
TOTAL                                     695      166              513           1611                        2985 

To view the advertisement: Click here

50 Common Computer Science Questions for Bank Clerk Exam

1. A process known as ____________ is used by large retailers to study trends. Ans:- data mining
2. All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT: Ans:- spam.
3. ____________terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer systems. Ans:- Point-of-sale (POS)
  4. A(n) ____________ system is a small, wireless handheld computer that scans an item”s tag and pulls up the current price (and any special offers) as you shop. Ans:- PSS
5. The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal”s computer is an example of a law enforcement specialty called: Ans:- computer forensics.
6. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer? Ans:- analyzing the data or information
7. ____________ tags, when placed on an animal, can be used to record and track in a database all of the animal”s movements. Ans:- RFID
8. Surgeons can perform delicate operations by manipulating devices through computers instead of manually. This technology is known as: Ans:- robotics.
 9. Technology no longer protected by copyright, available to everyone, is considered to be: Ans:- proprietary.
10. ________is the study of molecules and structures whose size ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers. Ans:- Nanoscience
11. ____________ is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do. Ans:- Artificial intelligence (AI)
12. ____________ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion. Ans:-  Information
13. The name for the way that computers manipulate data into information is called: Ans:-  processing.
14. Computers gather data, which means that they allow users to ____________ data. Ans:- input
 15. After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of the picture is considered: Ans:- output.
16. Computers use the ____________ language to process data. Ans:- binary
17. Computers process data into information by working exclusively with: Ans:- numbers.
18. In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of: Ans:- eight bits.
19. The term bit is short for: Ans:- binary digit.
20. A string of eight 0s and 1s is called a: Ans:- byte.
21. A ____________ is approximately one billion bytes. Ans:- gigabyte
22. A ____________ is approximately a million bytes. Ans:- megabyte
23. ____________ is any part of the computer that you can physically touch. Ans:- Hardware
24. The components that process data are located in the: Ans:- system unit.
26. Which of the following is an example of an input device? Ans:-  scanner
27. All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT: Ans:-  printers.
28. The ________, also called the â€Å“brains” of the computer, is responsible for processing data. Ans:- (CPU)
29. The CPU and memory are located on the: Ans:- motherboard.
30. Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of: application software.
31. ____________ is a set of computer programs used on a computer to help perform tasks. Software
32. System software is the set of programs that enables your computer”s hardware devices and ____________ software to work together.application
33. The PC (personal computer) and the Apple Macintosh are examples of two different: platforms.
34. Apple Macintoshes (Macs) and PCs use different ______ to process data and different operating systems. CPUs
35. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a: network.
 36. Smaller and less expensive PC-based servers are replacing ____________ in many businesses. Ans:- mainframes
37. _______ are specially designed computers that perform complex calculations extremely rapidly. Ans:- Supercomputers
38. DSL is an example of a(n) ____________ connection. Ans:-  broadband
39. The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the: Ans:- digital divide.
40. ____________ is the science revolving around the use of nanostructures to build devices on an extremely small scale. Ans:-  Nanotechnology
42. ____________ bits equal one byte.. Ans:- Eight
43. The binary language consists of ____________ digit(s). Ans:- 2
  44. A byte can hold one ____________ of data. Ans:- character
45. ____________ controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer.. Ans:- The operating system
46. The operating system is the most common type of ____________ software.. Ans:- system
 47. ____________ are specially designed computer chips that reside inside other devices, such as your car or your electronic thermostat. Ans:- Embedded computers
48. The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking an icon, are called:  Ans:- instructions.
49. The two broad categories of software are: Ans:- system and application.
50. The metal or plastic case that holds all the physical parts of the computer is the: Ans:- system unit.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Marketing Aptitude/Computer Knowledge Part-2 for SBI Associate Clerk Exam-2012

1. Regulations that arise to ensure that firms take responsibility for the social costs of their products or production processes stem from which reason for government legislation of business?  To protect the interests of society
2. A “three-day cooling off period” in which buyers can cancel a contract after re-thinking it is to protect the consumer from:  high pressure selling
3. One of the most promising developments in multivariable segmentation is called _____ where a host of demographic and socioeconomic factors are used  geodemographic segmentation
4. One of the most common problems with using internal database information is that :
 it was probably collected for some other purpose, it may be incomplete or wrong.
5. The last stage in the selling process is the _____ stage.  follow-up
6. When Coca-Cola and Nestle formed a joint venture to market a ready-to-drink coffee and tea worldwide, the type of marketing system that was formed would best be described as being a(n):
 horizontal marketing system
7. The major advantage of survey research is its :  flexibility
8. The _____ holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable (therefore, work on improving production and distribution efficiency)  production concept
9. A ____ is any activity or benefit offered for sale that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything  service
10. _____ is a person’s distinguishing psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to his or her own environment Personality
 11. The place in the business buying behavior model where interpersonal and individual influence might interact is called the  buying center
12. The course of a product’s sales and profits over its lifetime is called:-  the product life cycle
13. When companies make marketing decisions by considering consumer’s wants and the long-run interests of the company, consumer, and the general population, they are practicing which of the following principles?
 Societal marketing
14. All of the following are thought to be sources if new product ideas EXCEPT.  the local library
15. If Honda uses its company name to cover such different products as its automobiles, lawn mowers, and motorcycles, it is practicing which of the following strategies?  brand extension strategy
16. If a company (considering its options on the product/market expansion grid) chooses to move into different unrelated fields (from what it has ever done before) with new products as a means to stimulate growth, the company would be following which of the following general strategies? diversification
17. When a marketing research organization chooses a segment of the population that represents the population as a whole, they have chosen a _____  sample
18. Joining with foreign companies to produce or market products and services is called :-  joint venturing
19. If advertising constantly sends out messages about materialism, sex, power, and status, which of the following categories of social criticism most closely matches this problem? Cultural pollution
20. A(n) ____ is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these that identifies the marker or seller of a product or service. brand
21. If an advertiser wants flexibility, timeliness, good local market coverage, broad acceptability and high believability, the advertiser will probably choose which of the following mass media types?  Newspapers
22. When producers, wholesalers, and retailers as a unified system, they comprise a:-  vertical marketing system
23. The type of trade-promotion discount in which manufacturers agree to reduce the price to the retailer in exchange for the retailer’s agreement to feature the manufacture’s products in some way is called :- allowance
24. The study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics is called : Demography
25. Today, advertising captures about ___ percent of total promotion spending:-  23
26. The process that turns marketing strategies and plans into marketing actions in order to accomplish strategic marketing objectives is called :  Marketing implementation
27. The goal of the marketing logistics system should be to provide : a targeted level of customer service at the least cost.
28. The practice of going after a large share of a smaller market or subsets of a few markets is called :
 concentrated marketing
29. The shrinking of distances due to technological advance such as computer and fax connections by telephone, are one characteristic of what new challenge to marketing?  Rapid globalization
 30. If Mark Mars pays Hershey Foods Corporation for the right to use their name on his line of T-shirts, then Mr. Mars is using which type of branding? Licensed brand
 31. If your company were to make light bulbs to be used in photocopies, you would most likely be selling to a ______ market. business
32. ___ has the advantage of being high in selectivity; low cost, immediacy, and interactive capabilities:- Online
33. If your company were to make a product such as a suit of clothes and sold that product to a retailer, your company would have sold to the _______market. reseller
34. In 1985, the Coca-Cola Company made a classic marketing blunder with its deletion of its popular Coca-Cola product and introduction of what it called New Coke. Analysts now believe that most of the company’s problems resulted from poor marketing research. As the public demanded their “old Coke” back, the company relented and reintroduced Coca-Cola Classic (which has regained and surpassed its former position) while New Coke owns only 0.1 percent of the market. Which of the following marketing research mistakes did coca-Cola make?
 (a) They did not investigate pricing correctly and priced the product too high.
 (b) They defined not investigate dealer reaction and had inadequate distribution.
 (c) They defined their marketing research problem too narrowly
 (d) They failed to account for the Pepsi challenge taste test in their marketing efforts        Ans : C
35. Marketers are sometimes accused of deceptive practices that lead consumers to believe they will get get more value than they actually do. ____ includes practices such as falsely advertising “factory” or “wholesale” prices or a large price reduction from a phony high retail price.  Deceptive pricing
36. The advantages of audience selectivity, no ad competition and personalization apply to which type of media?  Direct Mail
37. The first modern environmental movement in the United States began in the Ans : 1960s and 1970s
38. Costs that do not vary with production or sales levels are called : fixed costs
39. Each salesperson is assigned to an exclusive area in which to sell the company’s full line of products or services in which type of sales force structure? Territorial sales force
 40. Techonological advances, shifts in consumer tastes, and increased competition, all of which reduce demand for a product are typical of which stage in the PLC? decline stage
41. Setting the promotion budget so as to match the budgets of the competition is characteristic of which of the following budget methods? Competitive-and-parity method
42. ____ is screening new-product ideas in order to spot good ideas and drop poor ones as soon as possible.
 Idea screening
43. The type of sales force structure in which the sales force sells along product lines is called a:-  product sales force
 44. A company is in the _____ stage of the new product development process when the company develops the product concept into a physical product in order to assure that the product idea can be turned into a workable product.:  product development
45. When personal interviewing involves inviting six to ten people to gather for a few hours with a trained interviewer to talk about a product, service, or organization, the method is called : focus group interviewing
46. All of the following factors can affect the attractiveness of a market segment EXCEPT :
 (a) the presence of many strong and aggressive competitors (b) the likelihood of government monitoring
 (c) actual or potential substitute products (d) the power of buyers in the segment Ans : B
47. If a government uses barriers to foreign products such as biases against a foreign company’s bids, or product standards that go against a foreign company’s product features, the government is using:- non-tariff trade barriers
48. The choice between high markups and high volume is part of which of the following retailer marketing decisions?  Pricing decisions
49. One common misuse of marketing research findings in contemporary business is the tendency for marketing research to :   become a vehicle for pitching the sponsor’s products
50. The most logical budget setting method is found in the list below. Which is it?  Objective-and-task method
(10 questions are extra)