As per the advertisement, candidates who intend to apply in our Bank for various cadres, it is instructed to deposit requisite fee through prescribed Challan in any branch of Aryavart Kshetriya Gramin Bank.
We have received so many queries/requests from many candidates to extend facility to deposit the requisite fee other than our Bank’s branches as they are willing to apply for various posts but they are far away from the operational area of our Bank.
Considering the requests of the candidates, it has been decided that such candidates who are unable to access at our Bank’s branches can deposit the requisite fee through NEFT to our A/C No.
000210210000001. Our Bank/ Branch IFSC Code No. is BKID0ARYAGB.
The matter has been discussed with the IBPS who has told that in the online application the provision of deposit of fee through NEFT is not given and they cannot provide the same at this stage. However, the Bank may allow to candidates for deposit through NEFT for their convenience.
So candidates may pay the fee through NEFT and thereafter apply online at their own risk.
Please note that the candidates are required to produce the original NEFT receipt issued by the Remitter Bank with Candidates portion of downloaded Challan with photograph at the time of interview, failing which they will not be permitted to appear in interview.
Notice :-
Recruitment Notice